Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Crazy world

Happy Monday everyone! I just learned I can update this blog from my iPod touch which I am doing right now so if it auto spells something wrong I will apologize in advance.

So today i woke up around 5am with terrible horrible period cramps (day 2) and a flow to match.. Managed to get myself to work on time at that.. And here i am 9pm and it's basically gone!! What the hell! I'm telling ya it was bad! Oh well! Whatcha gunna do.

The part that kills me about pcos and never knowing when Aunt flow is going to show.. I don't work at a job where I can just run off to a bathroom anytime. I'm a case manager and direct care staff at a day hab for adults with disabilities.. Love my job and my clients but I got essentially a classroom of 7 to 10 individuals who have seizures and behaviors., can't just leave them to check myself or god knows I ran to change myself like 8 times today lol then I gotta find someone to cover me and tell them to watch my group.. So annoying!

This week marks the Last birth control induced aunt flo and I must say...boy was she a bitch!! But I'm glad she showed. I been on and off birth control since I was 14.. 11 yrs later I get an answer to my problems.. And now i'm off to find a solution!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fat Chicks Finish Last

So this blog is going to be just me rambling about my struggles with PCOS, weight loss, work, relationships and life in general! I want to start by saying that PCOS sucks and i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. It hurts, Its unpredictable, Its emotional, Its distubing, Any other words you ladies think of please comment!

I think that life is so unpredictable and annoying sometimes. One minute I think hey! im just like any other 25 year old girl... lets go to the bar... dancing... to dinner... and the next I think hey... oh ya alcohol makes me sick, dont eat that pasta, too much sugar in that candy, gee my sugars are low i feel shakey, oh boy the metformin has hit me, and little miss aunt flo has not shown up in months.... and then when she does come to visit... not only am i a raging bitch.. but man she HURTS!

Ladies & Gentlemen (even though i dont think you want to read this) Welcome to the life of Jen...
A Cyster, A Fat Chick, And a constant "finish last" kind of girl.